Dancing Through Life: How to Have Daily Rhythms and Routine
New Bible Study
Abide & Testify
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〰️ New Bible Study 〰️ Abide & Testify 〰️ Pre-Order Today!
The beginning of the school year always brings with it routine, which to be honest, after a summer of fun and sleeping in and travel, routine is much desired.
I have learned that rest and rhythms are essential.
When the kids were little I desired balance. I thought that is what I needed, and that was the big question everyone asked, “How do we balance it all?”
How do we juggle all the balls without letting any of them fall?
I have come to find out 2 important things.
Balls will always fall, and
Balance is overrated and basically nonexistent.
In Matthew chapter 11, Jesus talks to those who are burdened and heavy laden. I think He was speaking to moms especially, because let’s face it, we carry everyone’s burdens.
We struggle with fear and worry for our children and all the what if’s of growing up.
We carry the burdens of our husbands when work and stress is high. We are concerned with aging parents and siblings, we look at our food budgets and are aghast at how inflation is affecting everything, especially the food at our tables.
We are desperate to carry it all and balance all the things and when we drop something, it falls like a bang, and everything seems to break and bust up.
But in this same passage, Jesus gives us a remedy to being heavy and burdened. He says to come to Him.
I love how The Message paraphrases these verses, “Are your tired? Worn out…Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace” (Matthew 11:28-30).
The remedy for “real rest” or a life where Jesus carries our burdens is dependent on 3 things.
“We don’t need to try to balance it all when Jesus wants to share the burden and take off whatever is not yours to carry.”
“Come to me.”
According to Strong’s Concordance, this phrase “…gets the force of an interjection,” as in “Come now!” (Biblehub.com).
Jesus is calling out to you in the same way he called the disciples, “Follow me!” Come now!
Don’t delay!
If we go, follow, come now to him, He will take the burdens off our shoulders.
We don’t need to try to balance it all when Jesus wants to share the burden and take off whatever is not yours to carry.
Let’s face it, many times we believe we are the only ones who can carry our stuff, the only one who you can trust to keep it all together.
Dear one, Jesus is looking deep into your eyes and is calling out to you, “Trust me, beloved. Come to me now and I will carry it for you. I will give you real rest.”
Get away with me.
I love that wording! He is basically saying, you need a vacation from these burdens!
Our small minds may think YES! Give me white sand and a yummy drink! But Jesus wants so much more than a 7-day getaway.
He is giving us an invitation to live from rest.
To live from a place where He is; He has you and all the things and all you have to do is breathe. He will show us how all we have to do is walk with Him.
Learn the Unforced Rhythms of Grace.
And these words also thrill me the most! Unforced Rhythms.
That is what I need. That is what this new school year needs. This is what I have desired and needed all my life.
Dancing through life in a Rhythm Jesus has taught me and has created just for me. My own glorified and blessed character song composed by the Almighty!
How will you come to Jesus?
Bring all your weary, your burden, your baggage and your broken.
He is a God who can carry your weary soul, handle your burden, unpack your baggage and mend your broken heart.
Will you trust him to do all that for you? And once he does friend, lean into him.
Sway to a slow love song with the one who created you and loves you with a love that is everlasting, and before you know it, he will be teaching you the steps to your very own Rhythm.
Read Part 2 in Dancing Through Life: Establishing Rhythms in Every Season