One of my dearest friends introduced me to the idea of asking, "Where's your red dot?" In other words, "Where are you at?" Where are you at spiritually? Where are you at in your marriage, motherhood, quiet time, and all the other craziness of life?
When you are looking at a map there is always a little red dot that states, "YOU ARE HERE." For some it indicates your starting place; Others are stuck, perhaps trying to figure out which direction to head toward, while some are simply lost.
Where's your red dot? Where are you at and which way are you going? Which direction will you follow or where will you lead?
My red dot lately has been very clear. I know exactly where I am standing and I can see everything around me rather clearly. Before me are so many options, so many directions, so many ways. I have dreams, goals, visions for my family, my children, my marriage, my writing, my ministry, and everything else in between (except my's simply a nightmare and chore that never ends).
I've been standing on my red dot for a few months now and the problem isn't a matter of direction or desire, (though I guess to be honest I am not completely certain of the previous); I've been standing in the same spot waiting to move out of obedience.
God has been asking me to be still. And so, I stand on the red dot and I wait for Him to move me.
For quite some time now I have been wrestling with this cultural idea of hustling.
To hustle means to force someone to move hurriedly in a specific direction.
In middle school I played volleyball. I wasn't very good for a few reasons. A) I was short. B) I was not about to throw myself on the floor to dig for a ball (whatever that means).
My coach would yell during practice for us to hustle, "move, get in the game, advance, shove your way forward and win." Hustling always felt so foreign to me. It was so forced and I struggled with the desire to make my way towards the volleyball with fervor in order to slam it into the other side of the court.
After writing and publishing my first book last year, I definitely had a passion to move onto the scene and advance in all of my goals and win at life. It was awesome. It felt great.
I found myself selling books and speaking to women and doing really good work. I was so grateful, but somewhere in the middle of it all, I began to hustle. The world was yelling, "Move, get in the game, advance, shove your way forward and win!" All of a sudden this new overwhelming feeling came over me and all I could think about was making my way toward success with fervor in order to slam it and win.
I was working so hard. I was growing weary. What was once good and Holy Spirit inspired became difficult and me inspired. And I could tell the difference.
God desires for us to work and to do it well, but he is very clear when he says in Galatians 6:9, "So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit." His word says we should not get fatigued or grow weary in the good that we do. Writing a book is good work. Taking care of my family is good work. Building your business is good work. Teaching, leading, matter what it is that God has called you to, it is good work. But notice what the bible says right above this verse in verse 8, "but the one who plants in response to God, letting God's spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life."
This is where culture gets it all wrong. Culture says, "Hustle. Succeed. Only you can achieve your dreams. Hustling gets your where you want to go."
Yet, the word of God is so opposite and flip flopped! God never says hustle. He never yells, "Get in the game, advance, shove your way forward and win." He says instead, "Be still. Rest. The first will be last and the last will be first." God says, he is doing a good work in you and that he knows the plans he has for you. Every good and perfect gift is from above. God says to plant or work in response to him and let HIM do the growth work. Whoa!
When I stand on the red dot and look around to see where I am, I have the opportunity to do one of two things:
I move according to my desires, which usually turns into some kind of hustling. Forcibly moving toward whatever I associate with success at the time. Or, I wait on the Lord, lean into him, let him do the work and allow him to lead me in His way.
When I hustle, I grow weary, I grow competitive, jealous, insecure, uncertain and tired.
When I wait and lean and let God work and lead, I find rest, open doors, grace, favor and his goodness.
Everything I have ever attained in this world comes from my father, the giver of good gifts. Think about it friends, every good thing in our lives happens not because we deserve it or because we happen to be at the right place, at the right time or because we work hard to achieve it. It is God's favor and grace upon our lives that we have all that we have.
I am fulfilled in my work, my writing, my parenting, my life when I am leaning into Jesus and grateful for all the gifts he gives me. Nothing else can capture that true fulfillment.
I no longer need to strive or hustle, I simply need to be still and Know that He is God and he is good and he has good things for me.
“I no longer need to strive or hustle, I simply need to be still and Know that He is God and he is good and he has good things for me. ”
When I stand on my red dot and I lean in and ask, "How do you want me to move today Lord? What work do you have for me today?" He takes my hand and leads me into his presence, inspired by his spirit, fulfilled by his love and grace.
Where are you at? Where's your red dot? Are you stuck and unsure of which way to go? Have you been hustling and tired of striving, forcing and shoving your way in for a win? Stand still where you are for a bit, lean into Jesus today and ask him, "How do you want me to move Lord? How can I work for you today?"
Let his spirit pour into your being and your work. The creator of life desires to come alongside you, inspire you and complete within you all he desires. He is doing good work and he wants you to be a part of it. You no longer have to hustle and strive for greatness, for God is great and all you have to do is rest in his goodness.