Hi Friend,
My greatest desire is for you to experience God’s presence daily; however, I know the days are filled with so much disorder and disruption. All these distractions can cause frustration, but when we place our simple lives in His hands, it is His presence that makes our ordinary enough and even glorious.
“…our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.”
2 Corinthians 3:18 MSG
Live in the Abundance!
Can we live in the realm of miracles? Miracles happen with faith, prayer and authority! Join Andrea as she uncovers some truth about the fig tree and the miraculous.
Andrea’s Favorite Speaking Topics
Abiding. Practice being with God. Holy Spirit. Contentment. Seeking Jesus.
Breaking Free from generational, family and cultural patterns. Legacy. Romans 12
Living free. Choosing freedom. Purpose. Calling. Rest. Matthew 11:28
Covenants. Clinging. Traditions and patterns. Parenting the stages. Understanding the season.
“The enemy brings disorder and disruption, so that you will replace the hope you have in Jesus with your own strength and control. ”