Why we must crave God’s word to fulfill our calling
I haven't had sugar in two days. My head aches and I am trying desperately not to be in a bad mood and snap at anything that is said to me! Apparently, I am addicted to sugar. I crave it. I like any kind of sugar, sweets and chocolate and cookies.
It makes me feel better.It helps me breathe after craziness with kids and family and life.Sugar is a total counterfeit.A few nights ago I had a few ladies over and we were discussing all of the things that continually weigh on our hearts daily. We were discussing a few different subjects such as discipling kids and being missional and pursuing spiritual disciplines.We were talking about the difficulties each of these subjects can impose on our lives, the questions we had about these callings and the barriers that hinder us from engaging in each of these ways on a daily basis.In the end, each of the discussions came back and around to one simple truth or perhaps the greatest common denominator:
We must be in our bibles!
We are called to go into the world and be missional. First in our local place and then into the world. And for me, in some ways it is easier to go into the world than to across the street.
We are called to be spiritually disciplined. To not just read scripture, but study it, to fast, to pray and to meditate. To be still. But oh, the noise and distractions!
We are called to disciple. To take people, young and old and gather with them and share with them who God is and what He is teaching you. If you are a mother, you have tiny disciples at your kitchen table daily. What a calling!
We must continually be in God's word if we are to be able to navigate the difficulties and uncertainties of each of the beautiful, crazy callings God has given each of us. God has called us to all of these things no matter what season of life you are in.
We can not be full of the spirit and walking in truth if we are not immersed in our bibles daily. We can not be filled with the gifts of the spirit, walking in the gifts of wisdom, knowledge and discernment if we aren't breathing in the teachings of Jesus. We can not bear the fruit of the spirit if we do not remain in the vine and in His word. None of these callings will flourish or work without the word of God being tucked into our hearts daily.
“We will not be able to penetrate the darkness or walk across the streeet if we are not in God’s word.
We will not be able to teach and model godly living to our children.
We will not be able to commit to discipline wherein our ways may become His ways.”
May we hunger, not for sugar or food or the things of this world, but instead, may we hunger for the righteousness that is found in the Word of God. May we hunger for more of Jesus. May we not be satisfied with a simple, Sunday sermon and service once a week or a few snacks of verses whenever they pop up on social media. May we crave God's word and become consumed by the desire for more of Him daily. That is how we will fulfill our callings.